Our Approach

At Wampler, we understand that no two communities are the same and each must be treated with curiosity and compassion. We apply a custom approach to each endeavor to create synergies that enhance the quality of life in communities.

Community Development Requires Synergy!

Wampler Development’s founding principle of synergy has been a cornerstone of the company’s development philosophy for decades. Synergy is the art of combining two or more elements and producing a value that is greater than the sum of its components (1 + 1 > 2).  Value is created when the combination of parts exceeds the sum of the parts.

Communities are made up of many parts. Some of which include people, locations, natural resources, knowledge, recreation, beliefs, etc.  Various combinations of these, and other attributes, can drive the success of an overall community, making it greater than the sum of each of its parts on their own.

Since 1994, Wampler Development Company has successfully created value in communities through economic development, investment, and real estate improvement. At Wampler, we understand that no two communities are the same and each must be treated with curiosity and compassion. We apply a custom approach to each endeavor to create synergies that enhance the quality of life in communities. 

Over several decades, we have learned that successful community development is achieved through an optimum blend of land uses and improvements that result in an enhanced quality of life for the general community to live, work, trade, shop, learn, serve, worship, and play. In order to accomplish this optimum blend and create synergies within communities, we rely on the following core principles to guide final results:
Economic Development;
Wellness; and
Mixed Uses. 

We consider economic development to be the process of creating and utilizing physical, human, financial, and social assets to generate improved and broadly shared economic well-being and quality of life for a community or region. These shared community improvements can include: enhanced education systems (either new or existing); improved or newly-constructed infrastructure such as roads and bridges; ameliorated public safety through higher foot traffic, enhanced lighting, and better-supported public services like fire and police; or new business incentivized to come to the area.      

Positive economic development, such as this, can improve the standard of living in a community through either the creation of jobs, the support of innovation and new ideas, the creation of higher wealth, the fostering of a sense of place and community, or the creation of an overall better quality of life.

The term “sustainable development”, as it applies to commercial real estate, extends beyond the concept of environmental sustainability, while still encapsulating it. When it comes to sustainable development in the commercial real estate world, there are three main areas of consideration that are generally agreed upon and referred to commonly as the “Three Pillars of Sustainability”. 

These three areas are:

  1. Social;
  2. Economic; and
  3. Environmental.

The purpose of these three areas of concentration is to balance the needs of a community at present, while also striving to maximize the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. These three aspects are inherently interconnected and if they are combined and applied in real world situations, they can create a steady base for a community in which everyone can benefit.  Successful sustainable development results when natural resources are preserved, the environment is protected, the economy is not harmed, and the quality of life for people within a community is improved or maintained.

Where we live, the communities we live in, and the surrounding environment directly affect our daily behaviors and lifestyles. When environments are designed and constructed without wellness in mind, they can potentially have negative impacts on our daily lives. Small environmental enhancements that allow us to choose walking or biking over driving, interacting face-to-face instead of through electronics, or stepping outside instead of being indoors most of the day, greatly improve our quality of life.

Wellness real estate development incorporates intentional wellness elements into the design, amenities, programs, and materials of the built environment around us that: foster a sense of place; create community and belonging; support behavior changes and healthier lifestyles; and minimize environmental impacts on human health.  

Mixed use development is a multi-use, integrated form of commercial real estate development that incorporates two or more types of land uses (such as housing, offices, retail, entertainment, institutions, services, restaurants, and hospitality). These uses are combined into high-quality, compact, and walkable communities with convenient transit linkages, proximity to jobs, and access to nearby public amenities. This type of real estate development allows people to live, work, play, learn, shop, and connect in one place, which then becomes a destination for people from the greater community.   

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